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Confidentiality Agreement

It’s all about getting the conversation started...

Confidentiality agreements, or NDAs as they say, are terrific conversation starters between businesses looking to collaborate. The terms can usually be straight forward, but a conversation with your lawyer can determine whether a simple NDA is enough protection for what it is that your business does.

Discuss with Janey on what will be relevant for you so that she can prepare a confidentiality agreement specific for your business.

Key Terms

  • Clear purpose.
  • Correct parties.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Non-competition.
  • Expiry of term.
  • Consequences of a breach.
  • Mutual or one-way?

Industry Specific

  • Industry specific nuances.
  • Is a short-form NDA suitable protection?

Reach out today for an agreement tailored to your business


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